ISVS e-journal: Vol. 11, Issue 2, February 2024
Cover Page and Contents
Dr. Ranjith Dayaratne, Asian School of Knowledge, Melbourne, Australia
Sustainable Aspects of Wall Constructions of Traditional Houses: Insights from the Bajau Tribe House, Indonesia
Phylicia Deosephine Soegiono & Lilianny Sigit Arifin
Design Methods of Vernacular Architecture: Insights from Ngundaginin by Undagi: Bali, Indonesia
I Kadek Dwi Noorwatha, Imam Santosa, Gregorius Prasetyo Adhitama, & Anak Agung Gede Rai Remawa
Changing Trends of the Lifestyles of the Peasantry Under the Impact of the Rural Urbanization Process in Vietnam
Anh The Phung, Quyet Thi Nguyen, Chung Quang Le
Understanding Sense of Place: Insights from People’s Experiences at Pasar Baru, Bandung, Indonesia
Tessa Eka Darmayanti, Azizi Bahauddin & Dewi Isma Aryani
Transformations of Vernacular Buildings of the Rural Areas in Chhattisgarh: The Case of Ektaal Village, India
Richa Jagatramka, Raunak Prasad, Satish Pipralia & Ashwani Kumar
Historical Evolution of the Development Patterns of Gorontalo, Indonesia
M. Fauzhan Algiffari, Triyatni Martosenjoyo, Syarif Beddu & Rahmi Amin Ishak
Passing Down Traditions and Culture: Methods of Painting Education at the Jelekong Painting Center, Bandung, Indonesia
Asep Miftahul Falah, Agus Cahyana & Sangid Zaini Gani
Religious Values of the Traditional Ceremony in Building a Bengkulu Malay Traditional House
Titih Nursugiharti, Achril Zalmansyah & Fachri Muhammad Rasyid
Symbolic Meanings in Mosques and Churches: Fusion of the Padma Flower Ornament into the Worship Structures in Java, Indonesia
Erina Wiyono, Nuning Yanti Damayanti, Achmad Haldani Destiarmand & Yan Yan Sunarya
Dialectics of Tradition and Modernity in the Architectural Landscape of Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
Nam Thanh Tran, Huy Quang Ngo, Duc Minh Tran & Ty Quang Ngo
Diving into Faith and History: Effectiveness of Religious Moderation Houses in perguruan tinggi keagamaan islam negeri, Indonesia.
Kasron Nasution, Feni Khairifa, Toguan Rambe, Laila Rohani, Mawardi, Suriyanto
Design of Home Decoration Products from the Leftover Fishing Nets Coated with Latex: Vernacular-Inspired Product Designs Reflecting the Identity of the Southern Region in Thailand
Prachya Kritsanaphan, Pharitporn Kawkeamsue, Bunjongsak Pimthong, Pattraporn Kritsanaphan & Van Louis Lo
Methods and Challenges of Community Participation Practices in Planning Public Open Spaces: A Review
Maha Seger Al Janabi, Nor Fadzila Aziz & Jamal B. Motlak
Traditional Islamic Poetry as a Form of Cultural Heritage Conservation: Cultural Preservation of Syiir
Muhamad Burhanudin, S.S. Agus Nuryatin, Teguh Supriyanto & Yusro Edi Nugroho
Traces of the Spice Route in the Architecture and City of Banjarmasin in South Kalimantan, Indonesia
Bani Noor Muchamad, Irwan Yudha Hadinata, Ira Mentayani
A Comparison of Thermal Comfort of Old Indigenous Houses with New Residential Buildings of Kolkata, India
Sanmarga Mitra & Shailendra K. Mandal
A Comparative Visual Analysis Between the Sheng Character of Shadow Puppets of the Central Plains of China and Sri Rama of Wayang Kulit Kelantan, Malaysia
Dong Ming Hui & Sarena Abdullah
Potentials of Employing Local Heritage in City Branding: The Case of Baluwarti Surakarta in Indonesia
Avi Marlina, Tri joko Daryanto, Agung Kumoro Wahyuwibowo, Hardiyati & Dian Ariffianto Budi Susilo
Ethno-modelling as a Glocalization Process of Understanding Vernacular Architecture: The Case of the Kajang Padati Gadang House in Padang City, Indonesia
Yusfan Adeputera Yusran, Muhammad Reza, Noviani Suryasari, Ema Yunita Titisari, Susilo Kusdiwanggo & Damayanti Asikin
The Loss of Austronesian Saddle Roof in the Vernacular Architecture of Java, Indonesia
Kemas Ridwan Kurniawan, Aditya Bayu Perdana & Indah Widiastuti
Reuse of Heritage Spolia in Iraq: A Historical Exploration
Duha A. Alhafudh & Saba Sami Al Ali