ISVS e-journal: Vol. 10, Issue 12, December 2023
Cover Page and Contents
Dr. Ranjith Dayaratne, Asian School of Knowledge.
Yavuz Arat
Deepashree Choudhury, Dharitri Das & Maitreyee Mishra
Pharitporn Kawkamsue, Nattagan Sangkaew & Van Louis Lo
Jotirmay Chari & Tanvi Katre
Aniendya Christianna, Acep Iwan Saidi, Riama Maslan Sihombing, &
Nuning Yanti Damayanti
K. Marliya & K.Thirumaran Kesavaperumal
Asmawi Ibrahim, Ahmed Ahmed Olaitan, Ahmad Aizuddin Md Rami, Wan Nor Jazmina, Tuan Muhammad Zukri T.S., Wan Nor Azilawanie Tun Ismail, Adi Syahid M.A, Mohamad Pirdaus Yusoh & Mohd Syaiful Nizam Abu Hassan
Afnan Rasyidi, Abd Thalib, Syafrinaldi & Nur Aisyah Thalib Maknun, Agus A. P., Idawarni Asmal & M. Yahya
Muhammad Haspi Ali, Idawarni Asmal & Samsuddin Amin
Naimatul Aufa, J.C. Heldiansyah, Prima Widia Wastuty, Mohammad Ibnu Saud & Irma Fawzia
Ayesha Agha Shah, D. P. Chanderasekara & Anila Naeem
Nina Widyaningsih & Yanuar Bagas Arwansyah
Maya Rosa, Imam Santosa, Deddy Wahjudi, and Johannes Widodo
Snehal Anshu & Bijay Kumar Das
Adriana Miranda Esteban, Ramon Bedolla Solano & Irma Bedolla Solano
Housing Practices in Anatolia from the Past to the Present; Traditional Konya Houses
Affordable Housing for the Urban Seasonal Migrants in India
Impact of Beliefs and Arts on the Cultural Landscapes: The Case of Wat Chedi’s Stucco Chickens of Thailand
Vernacular Architecture of Bhutan as a Brand: Paradigms and Paradoxes
Coastal Settlements and Javanese Vernacular Art: A Historical and Cultural Analysis of Damar Kurung Gresik in Indonesia
Learning from Vernacular and Integrating Retrofitting Techniques to Enhance Thermal Comfort in Residential Buildings: Insights from Tiruchirapalli, India
Building Community Organizations to Engage Indigenous Communities in Ecotourism: Insights from the Batek Community in Malaysia
Protecting the Traditional Knowledge of Vernacular Communities: The Government Role in Safeguarding the Siak’s Weaving Art in Riau, Indonesia
Strategies for Creating Settlements for the Slum Fisherman of Tallo Village, Indonesia
Influence of Livelihoods on Coastal Settlement Patterns in Kampung Padang in Indonesia
Types of Flora in Ornaments Rumah Bubungan Tinggi and Rumah Gajah Baliku & Teluk Selong, in Banjar Houses in South Kalimantan, Indonesia
Preserving the Past and Shaping the Future: Articulation of Authenticity of Heritage within Urban Development
Local Wisdom in Vernacular Communities: Natural Disaster Mitigation Values in the Nyi Roro Kidul Folklore of Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Identity Representations in
Cultural Landscapes: An Intervention in the Conservation of Sawahlunto, Indonesia
Thermal Comfort of Street Vendors in the Traditional Settlements of Patna, India
The Impact of Natural Disasters on Vernacular Settlements: The Impact of Hurricane Otis on the Student Community of the Rural Schools in Mexico