ISVS e-journal: Vol. 11, Issue 1, January 2024
Cover Page and Contents
Dr. Ranjith Dayaratne, Asian School of Knowledge, Colombo, Sri Lanka
Architectural Characteristics of the Vernacular Floating Houses in the Lake Tempe Tourism area, South Sulawesi, Indonesia
Musfika Sari, Ria Wikantari & Mohammad Mochsen Sir
Tangible and Intangible Territories in Javanese Settlements: Baluwarti Surakarta Sunanate Palace in Indonesia
Avi Marlina, Ahmad Farkhan, Reyhan Radditya Sulasyono, Kesit Himawan Setyadji & Rizki Prayoga
The Vernacular Sauna Batimung: Local Wisdom of the Banjar Community in South Kalimantan, Indonesia
Budi Agung Sudarmanto, Wajidi, Eka Suryatin, Tri Wahyuni & Dian Susilastri
Transformations of Vernacular Local Heritage for Creating Historic Public Spaces: The Case of Medan Kesawan Area and Semarang Kota Lama, Indonesia
Muhammad Husni Thamrin, Faiz Albar Nasution, Yuliyanto Budi Setiawan & Yofiendi Indah Indainanto
Social Character, Politics and Citizenship Status of Tionghoa Ethnic Vernacular Community in Indonesia
Achmad Busrotun Nufus, Elly Malihah, Cecep Darmawan, Leni Anggraeni & Dasim Budimansyah
Sense of Place in Vernacular Settlements: Insights from the Hukaea Laea Traditional Village, Southeast Sulawesi, Indonesia
Tutun Seliari, Wiendu Nuryanti, Diananta Pramitasari
Dynamics of Cultural Eco-feminism and Participation of Women in the Management of the Mangrove of the Mantehage Island, Indonesia
Ani Purwanti, Dyah Wijaningsih, Muh. Afif Mahfud & Aga Natalis
Similarities Between Stylizations of the Dance Movements of Gending Sriwijaya with the Reliefs in the Borobudur Temple, Indonesia
Treny Hera, Agus Cahyono, Malarsih Malarsih & Eko Sugiarto
Housing Practices in Anatolia from the Past to the Present: Traditional Konya Houses
Yavuz Arat
Islamic Ethics in Waste Management to Prevent Environmental Damage: A Fatwa Perspective of the Indonesian Ulema Council
Faisal Eriza, Hadi Supratikta, Asrori, Lokot Zein Nasution, Joko Sutrisno, Deden Nuryadin, Akhmad Yasin & Muhammad Akbar Pribadi
Vernacular Landscapes: The Impact of their Diversity on the Geomorphology and Tourism in the Jordanian Badia
Ibrahim K. Alkurdi, Omar A. Alananzeh, Ra’ed Masa’deh & Omar Jawabreh
Revitalization of the Maccini Sombala Park in Indonesia: An Approach Using the Theory of Placemaking
Nurdiyah Yusuf, Edward Syarif & Nurul Nadjmi
Impact of Tribal Iconography on the Architecture of Temples in Odisha in India
Ankita Patil & Raj Sekhar Choudhury