Review Policies

1. ISVS e-journal Only Publishes Research Papers Reviewed by ISVS-Appointed Reviewers

  • This means that the papers are reviewed in a sequencial mannar to ensure that only those which have merits of sound reserach making significant contribution to knowledge and written in professional academic language shall be published. Each paper received is first vetted by the editor-in-chief to ascertain if the paper falls within the remit of the journal. If the paper is outside the remit of the journal, the author is informed that it cannot be accepted for review.
  • The paper is then assigned an identification number and placed in a folder in a queue listed according to the dates received. Each paper is vetted for plagiarism and if found to have been plagiarised, the author is informed that the paper cannot be considered for publication.
  • Each paper is sent to at least two reviewers either via the members of the editorial board, or by an assistant to the editor-in-chief. The focus of the paper is matched to the exprtise of the reviewer as close as possible. If the reviewers listed in the website are not suitable or are unable to accomplish the task, alternative reviewers are appointed and papers are sent for review, after cheching the credentials of the newly found reviwers.
  • Reviewers are offered sufficient time to review and are also provided with a structured review form, requesting specific comments to specific aspects as well as general observations. The review comments are requested to be both critical and instructive. Th eintention is to help the authors to improve the papers if there is merit in the reserach reported.
  • When two reviews are received, they are compiled into one Review Report to facilitate the authors to revise the papers properly and systematically. Single report is produced to make it easy for the authors to understand what needs to be done to develop the paper. These are sent to the corresponding author with instructions to revise. Occassionally however, the reviewers may choose to produce track-change comments on the papers themselves, and in such situations, the separate reviews with track change comments shall be sent to the authors.

    2. Revisions

  • The author must attend to the revisions promptly and within the time allocated fro the review. If there is any issue preventing the author in doing so, it must be immediately informed to the editor-in-chief and an extension of time should be agreed upon.
  • The author must respond to the review report comments and follow the instructions to review paying attention to the minutes details. If the author does not agree to the review comment, then the disagreement must be explained and justified. Authors must be polite in diagreeing with criticism, if so required.
  • If the review was in the form of track-change enabled word file, all the comments must be removed and track-change must be disabled before doing the revisions. A clean paper without any comments must be sent. Again, ISVS e-journal only accepts Microsoft Word: either .doc or .docx versions for submission. PDF files or any other forms are not accepted.
  • Grammar, punctuation marks and definite and indefinite articles must be appropriate for the narrative. A reserach paper must construct a logical and argumentative narrative. If in need of help in language and formatting, an author is entitled to seek professional support services from ASK, who are familiar with the subject matter and will offer better eitorial and formatting services, than a general one.

    3. Acceptance of the Revision

    ISVS e-journal Accepts Only Well-Written Research Papers.
  • This means that articles published in the ISVS e-journal are free from linguistic errors and formatting errors. The author must be prepared to revise further, if asked until the paper reaches the linguistic, formatting and reserach standard expected by the journal. If it cannot achieve this, after three or four rounds of revisons, the paper shall be rejected.

    4. Final Acceptance

  • Even after the acceptance by the editor-in-chief of the ISVS e-journal, the authors could be asked to improve the paper particularly, if the copy editors discover that the final list of references are not properly constituted. The authors must comply with the standards and particularly the journal-specific standards and instructions in the template.

    5. Withdrawal Before Publication

  • An author may withdraw a paper submitted between the time of submission and the first revision, but not after it is accepted and prepared for publishing.
  • However, once reveiwed, revised and prepared for publication, a reserach paper cannot be withdrawn by the author at the last minute, without justifiable reasons and terms agreed upon between the author and the editor-in-chief. It is not acceptable for an author to have the paper got reviewed by the ISVS e-journal reviewers, revised and finally prepared for publication by the ISVS e-journal and then be withdrawn to be sent to another journal for publication.